Executive Severance Negotiations: Maximize Your Benefits

 Facing a potential termination as an executive can be daunting, but it’s crucial to take the right steps to protect your interests. The executive severance attorneys at Mansell Law have a proven track record of securing millions of dollars in additional benefits for executives. If you are in the midst of severance negotiations, consulting with an experienced attorney is the most important first step.

Executive Severance Negotiations

What is an Executive Severance Package?

An executive severance package typically includes a collection of documents offering benefits such as severance pay, COBRA coverage, and outplacement services in exchange for certain concessions, like waiving legal claims against the company. Understanding what’s included in your severance package and what you’re agreeing to is vital.

Are Employers in Ohio Required to Offer Severance Packages?

Ohio law does not require employers to offer severance packages. However, if your employment agreement includes a clause for severance pay upon termination, your employer may be contractually obligated to provide it. Consulting with an attorney can clarify your rights under your specific employment agreement.

What is a Typical Severance Amount?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The severance amount depends on factors like the size of the business, your length of employment, your role within the company, and the circumstances surrounding your termination. A skilled attorney can evaluate your situation to determine if the offer is fair and negotiate on your behalf.

Why Hire an Executive Severance Attorney?

Negotiating an executive severance package without legal representation can put you at a disadvantage. Mansell Law’s attorneys specialize in executive severance negotiations and will handle all communications with your former employer, ensuring you receive the best possible outcome. Our expertise in evaluating potential legal claims provides the leverage needed to maximize your severance package.

Even if a severance payment wasn’t initially offered, it’s worth consulting with Mansell Law’s executive severance lawyers to explore your options. We are based in Columbus, Ohio, and are dedicated to advocating for your best interests.

Whether you’ve been offered a severance package or believe you’re entitled to one, having a seasoned attorney by your side can make a significant difference. Mansell Law is here to support executives through every step of the negotiation process, ensuring you receive what you deserve.

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