
Showing posts from August, 2024

Understanding Pregnancy Discrimination in Ohio

  Finding out you’re pregnant should be a joyous moment, not a time filled with uncertainty about your job security. Yet, many women in Ohio face the harsh reality of   pregnancy discrimination in the workplace . If you’re worried about your rights, it’s essential to understand what protections are available to you under the law. Are You Entitled to Maternity Leave in Ohio? In Ohio, there is no law that mandates paid maternity leave. However, many employers offer maternity leave as part of their benefits package. It’s crucial to check with your HR department to understand your employer’s specific policy. If your employer doesn’t offer paid leave, you may still be entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), provided your employer is covered by the FMLA and you meet the eligibility requirements. Recognizing Pregnancy Discrimination Pregnancy discrimination  is illegal under both federal and Ohio state law. It falls under the umbrella of sex d

Navigating Executive Employment Contract Negotiations: A Guide to Maximizing Your Executive Compensation Package

  Executive employment contract negotiations are crucial for setting the foundation of a successful relationship between an executive and their employer. At   Mansell Law , our seasoned employment attorneys have extensive experience in guiding executives through the intricacies of these negotiations. Here, we explore the essential components of executive employment contracts, ensuring both parties achieve a fair and beneficial agreement. Elements of Compensation Types of Compensation: Executive compensation is multifaceted, encompassing base salary, discretionary and non-discretionary bonuses, signing bonuses, equity grants, long-term incentives, benefits, and more. Legal fees incurred during the negotiation process can also be reimbursed as part of the compensation package. Understanding these elements is crucial for executives to ensure they receive a competitive and comprehensive offer. Amount of Compensation: A well-negotiated compensation package should align with market standards

A New 16-Page FMLA Guide by the Department of Labor

  The   Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)   offers critical protections for employees, but many workers are unaware of their rights. Recognizing this gap, the Department of Labor (DOL) has released a comprehensive 16-page guide titled   “Need Time? The Employee’s Guide to the Family and Medical Leave Act.” What’s Inside the Guide? The guide is designed to address common questions about the FMLA, clarify eligibility, and explain the protections it provides. Whether you need time off to care for a new child, a family member, or yourself, understanding your rights under the FMLA is crucial. Why Was the Guide Created? The DOL believes that too many employees miss out on the benefits and protections the FMLA offers. This guide aims to ensure that every worker is fully informed about their rights and how to take advantage of them. For those interested in exploring the guide further, you can view and download it directly from the  DOL website . Key Takeaways Eligibility:  Learn who qualifie

Understanding the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act: Expanding Protections for Expecting Mothers

  The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act is a critical piece of proposed legislation aimed at expanding protections for pregnant women in the workplace. While the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) of 1978, an amendment to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, already categorizes pregnant women as a protected class, this new bill seeks to provide further safeguards. What is the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act? The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act builds upon the foundation laid by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, which prohibits discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. The new bill would require employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees who experience pregnancy-related work limitations. This could include modified duties, flexible schedules, or additional breaks. Importantly, it would also prevent employers from terminating or discriminating against women whose performance is affected by pregnancy. Why is This Legislation Important? Desp

Executive Severance Negotiations: Maximize Your Benefits

  Facing a potential termination as an executive can be daunting, but it’s crucial to take the right steps to protect your interests. The   executive severance attorneys   at Mansell Law have a proven track record of securing millions of dollars in additional benefits for executives. If you are in the midst of   severance negotiations , consulting with an experienced attorney is the most important first step. What is an Executive Severance Package? An  executive severance package  typically includes a collection of documents offering benefits such as severance pay,  COBRA coverage , and outplacement services in exchange for certain concessions, like waiving legal claims against the company. Understanding what’s included in your severance package and what you’re agreeing to is vital. Are Employers in Ohio Required to Offer Severance Packages? Ohio law  does not require employers to offer severance packages. However, if your employment agreement includes a clause for severance pay upon t

Executive Severance Negotiations: Why Hiring an Attorney is Essential

  If you’re an executive facing termination or have already been terminated, securing a fair severance package is crucial. The experienced executive severance attorneys at Mansell Law have successfully represented numerous executives, significantly increasing severance payouts by millions of dollars. Understanding the intricacies of severance negotiations can mean the difference between accepting a subpar offer and receiving a package that truly reflects your worth. What is an Executive Severance Package? An executive severance package generally consists of a set of documents offering you benefits — such as severance pay, COBRA coverage, or outplacement services — that you wouldn’t ordinarily receive. In return, you typically agree to waive your right to pursue legal claims against the company. The package may also include confidentiality and non-disparagement clauses, among others. Are Employers in Ohio Required to Offer Severance Packages? In Ohio, there is no legal requirement for e

Columbus, Ohio Employment Lawyers for Businesses: Protecting Your Company

  Understanding Ohio Employment Laws for Businesses Navigating employment laws in Ohio can be complex for businesses. With the ever-evolving legal landscape, it’s crucial to understand how these laws apply to your specific situation. Whether you’re dealing with discrimination claims, employment contracts, or breaches of business contracts, having a knowledgeable legal partner is essential. At  Mansell Law , our Columbus employment lawyers specialize in helping businesses throughout Ohio stay compliant and protected. This guide provides a brief overview of the employment laws that may impact your business. However, remember that this is not legal advice. For personalized guidance, schedule a consultation with our experienced attorneys. Key Areas of Employment Law for Ohio Businesses Discrimination & Retaliation Defense & Compliance If an employee has made allegations against your business, securing legal representation immediately is vital. Our team ensures your business is defe