Executive Severance Agreements Lawyer Columbus OH | Employment Attorneys


Helping Executives Move On In the Best Position for the Future

Severance agreements can be complex and often include restrictive covenants and executive non-compete clauses.   It is also important to make sure the severance addresses all aspects of executive compensation including bonuses, long term incentive compensation, equity, stock options, and stock units (RSUs). To fully understand the terms and conditions in your executive severance package, it is essential to consult with an employment lawyer. Once you have signed an agreement, you usually cannot revoke your acceptance after a certain time period has passed.

It is also important to ensure you are getting what you deserve before signing or trying to negotiate a severance package. Our Executive Severance Lawyers review and find leverage to negotiate your severance to make sure you are fully and rightfully compensated for the difficult transition period between jobs. We have reviewed thousands of severance packages.  Mansell Law attorneys are experienced severance negotiators, and we know how to leverage your past employment and all the circumstances of your separation to help you move forward.

How Do Severance Agreements Work?

A severance agreement contains promises from both parties and requires consideration, or an exchange of things of value. Our experienced Ohio employment lawyers can help ensure that any severance agreement fairly compensates you in exchange for the rights you may be relinquishing.

Severance packages and agreements are legally binding contracts.  A severance outlines the rights and responsibilities of both the executive and the employee regarding the separation from employment. A Severance Agreement outlines the terms of a severance compensation (which may include various terms of compensation, bonuses, equity, etc.) and benefits package, as well as the conditions that could cause the package to be given or withdrawn.

The severance agreement should offer some compensation or “consideration” beyond that which you are already entitled, such as your final paycheck and compensation for accrued but unused paid leave. In exchange, you may be giving up some rights, such as agreeing not to sue your employer for any potential discrimination or harassment claim or wage and hour violation. You could be in a very strong bargaining position if your employer thinks you have a case against it and wants you to go away quietly. Having an experienced employment lawyer negotiate on your behalf shows your employer that you are serious about protecting yourself and understand the value of your position.


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