Employment Discrimination & Harassment Lawyers - Mansell Law

 Mansell Law offers defense work to employers facing employment-related ligation. This includes claims of discrimination, retaliation, hostile work environment, sexual harassment, and related claims.

Our employment attorneysemployment attorneys have extensive experience representing both the employer and the employee in employment litigation, which gives us a unique perspective. This well-rounded experience allows us to evaluate the claims asserted against your business, advise you of your options and risks, and help you to secure the best possible outcome. 

Additionally, Mansell Law’s employment attorneys provide advice and counseling to employers related to all aspects of employment law. Operating a successful business and managing a workforce, all while ensuring your business complies with federal and state employment laws and regulations can be challenging. Our employment attorneys will keep you informed of the ever-changing laws and regulations, and ensure your business is using best practices to minimize your risk of litigation. Identifying and addressing potential risks early can help lessen your risk.  Our attorneys can provide advice and counseling related to:

  • Employee Handbooks
  • Arbitration Agreements
  • Restrictive Covenant Agreements (Non-Compete / Non-Solicitation)
  • Confidently Agreements
  • Other employment policies or procedures

Additionally, we can provide advice and guidance with respect to issues arising under the following:

  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Family Medical Leave Act
  • Whistleblower activity
  • Workers’ Compensation retaliation
  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

If you have concerns as to whether your business practices comply with federal and state law, contact one of Mansell Law’s employment attorneys.


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