Executive Severance Negotiations Lawyer in Ohio | Employment Lawyer Columbus OH

 Need an experienced executive severance negotiations lawyer in Columbus, OH Look no further. Our employment lawyers are here to protect your rights and negotiate.

The executive severance attorneys at Mansell Law routinely represent executives in severance negotiations and have increased severances by millions of dollars in total. If you are executive facing possible termination, or if your employment has been terminated, the most important first step is consulting with an attorney on your severance and determining the right strategy for negotiating.


A executive severance package typically consists of a document or group of documents that offers you a benefit to which you are not otherwise entitled in exchange for something. Generally, a severance package provides an offer of severance pay and additional benefits. These could include COBRA coverage or outplacement services, for example. In exchange for these benefits, you are typically agreeing to waive your right to pursue legal claims against the company, with a few exceptions. You may also be asked to agree to certain confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions.


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