Executive Severance Negotiations Lawyer in Ohio | Employment Lawyer Columbus OH

 Need an experienced executive severance negotiations lawyer in Columbus, OH Look no further. Our employment lawyers are here to protect your rights and negotiate.

The executive severance attorneys at Mansell Law routinely represent executives in severance negotiations and have increased severances by millions of dollars in total. If you are executive facing possible termination, or if your employment has been terminated, the most important first step is consulting with an attorney on your severance and determining the right strategy for negotiating.

Mansell Law’s employment attorneys are experienced in reviewing and negotiating severance packages for executives and will begin by reviewing all circumstances surrounding your employment and your termination or departure. We will review the severance documents presented to you and provide advice and guidance on negotiating your severance package.

We will answer questions you may have about your agreement or the law; understand your goals in negotiating your severance package; consider any areas of legal leverage you may have that will assist in negotiations; and advise you on the negotiations. Typically, our attorneys will contact your former employer and handle all communications related to the negotiation on your behalf, while keeping you informed every step of the way. We will advocate for you to maximize the severance offer to put you in the best possible situation for a favorable outcome.
#Executive Severance Negotiations Lawyer in Ohio
#Employment Lawyer Columbus OH

visit our site : https://ohio-employmentlawyer.com/executive-severance-negotiations/


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