Sexual Harassment Attorneys in Columbus Ohio - Mansell Law Lawyers

 Columbus Sexual Harassment Attorneys representing employees throughout Ohio. Our law firm takse an aggressive, client centered approach sexual harassment.

Our Columbus Sexual Harassment Attorneys represent employees all over Ohio in sexual harassment cases and lawsuits. Do you feel harassed by your supervisors unwanted sexual advances or propositions related to your job? You could have a claim for workplace sexual harassment.

Sexual Harassment

(1) the employee is a member of a protected class (females and males can be protected);

(2) the employee is subject to unwelcome sexual advances or demands for sexual favors by someone with authority over the employee;

(3) the harassment complained of is based on sex;

(4) the employee’s agreement to the unwelcome advances or demands was an express or implied condition for receiving the job or job benefits or that the employee’s refusal to agree to a supervisor’s sexual demands resulted in a tangible job detriment

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