Severance Agreement Review and Negotiation Lawyers - Mansell Law

 Navigating Severance Negotiation: A Guide by an Ohio Employment Lawyer

Losing a job can be a stressful and emotional experience. Not only are you faced with the uncertainty of finding new employment, but you also have to navigate the process of severance negotiation. In Ohio, severance agreements are legally binding contracts that employers offer to employees when they are terminated or laid off. These agreements can provide employees with financial benefits and other provisions, but they can also contain pitfalls and restrictions. Here’s a guide to help you navigate severance negotiation with the help of an Ohio employment lawyer.

What is a Severance Agreement?

A severance agreement is a contract between an employer and an employee that outlines the terms of separation. The agreement typically includes financial compensation, benefits continuation, and other provisions such as non-disclosure, non-disparagement, and non-compete clauses. Severance agreements can be beneficial for both parties as they provide a smooth transition and closure after an employee is let go.

How to Negotiate Your Severance Agreement

When you receive a severance agreement, it’s important to review the terms carefully and consider consulting with an Ohio employment lawyer before signing. Here are some tips to help you navigate the severance negotiation process:

  1. Understand the terms: Review the severance agreement and understand what the employer is offering in terms of compensation, benefits, and other provisions. Pay close attention to any restrictions or limitations that may impact your future employment.

  2. Assess your leverage: Determine your bargaining power and whether you have any leverage to negotiate better terms. This may include your position, length of service, potential legal claims, and market demand for your skills.

  3. Determine your priorities: Decide which terms are most important to you, such as a higher payout, extended benefits, or modifications to non-compete clauses. Be prepared to compromise on less critical terms.

  4. Make a counteroffer: Use your leverage and priorities to negotiate better terms. This may involve making a counteroffer with specific requests, such as an increased payout or modified non-compete clause.

  5. Seek legal advice: Consider consulting with an Ohio employment lawyer who can help you navigate the severance negotiation process and ensure that your legal rights are protected.

Why You Should Consult with an Ohio Employment Lawyer

Severance agreements can be complex and contain legal language that may be difficult to understand. An Ohio employment lawyer can help you navigate the process and ensure that you receive fair and equitable terms. An employment lawyer can also help you identify any potential legal claims, such as discrimination or retaliation, that you may have against your employer.

Contact an Ohio Employment Lawyer Today

If you are facing a severance negotiation, it’s important to have an experienced Ohio employment lawyer on your side. Our legal team can help you review the severance agreement, negotiate better terms, and protect your legal rights. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you with your severance negotiation.


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