Non-Compete and Nonsolicitation Lawyers in Columbus Ohio


Non-Compete and Nonsolicitation Agreement Attorneys

Non-Compete and Nonsolicitation Lawyers in Columbus Ohio

Non-Compete Agreements (or Non-Solicitation Agreements) - These broad restrictive agreements can make a difference in your ability to earn a living. These types of lawsuits are often handled by our Noncompete and non-Solicitations attorneys in Columbus, Ohio. They have a lot of experience. We also review non-compete agreements and offer legal advice and analysis depending on the situation. The Ohio employment lawyers at Mansell Law can help you determine if your non-compete agreement will impact your ability to earn your living. It is also important to get an attorney if you have been served with a cease-and-desist letter or are involved in a lawsuit regarding non-compete agreements. Our Ohio Non-Compete Lawyers have extensive experience in defending restrictive non-compete agreements.

Employees are often required to sign non-compete or non-solicitation agreement by employers. These agreements restrict your ability to compete or solicit customers for your employer after you leave your job. Your employer may file a breach-of-contract lawsuit against you if you violate your noncompete agreement. You will need to defend yourself against the lawsuit. Your employer may also file a breach of contract lawsuit against you. The court can order immediate enforcement against you of your non-compete agreement by stopping you from starting at your new job. This is known as a Temporary Restraining Order or Preliminary injunction.

We can help you, even though the terms of noncompete agreements can be restrictive. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation.

Ohio Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Agreements are Enforceable

These agreements can be enforced under certain conditions. A non-compete or non-solicitation agreement should be fair. A court will not enforce a noncompete agreement unless it is necessary to protect an employer's "legitimate interests." If your non-compete agreement is for five years and the court determines that this period is excessive, it may reduce or remove this restriction to allow for a shorter period.

Even if your non-compete agreement is unreasonable, your employer can still bring a breach of contract suit against you if you violate it. Although courts can limit the scope of your agreement so that you can work again and make a living, this takes time and your employer may seek an injunction. It is crucial that you resolve any problems with your Columbus Non-Compete Lawyers as soon as they arise.

How can I challenge the enforceability of my non-competition in Ohio?

Your employer must prove that your non-compete and non-solicitation agreements are enforceable. Your employer must show that your terms aren't more than necessary to protect its legitimate business interests. Your employer must show that it is more concerned about protecting its business than your ability to make a living. When deciding whether or not your employer meets this requirement, courts consider many factors.

  1. The geographical and time limitations on non-compete
  2. It doesn't matter if you were the primary or sole customer contact during your time there.
  3. If you have any trade secrets or confidential information;
  4. It is important to determine whether the non-compete agreement is intended to restrict unfair competition or just ordinary competition.
  5. It doesn't matter if the non-compete seeks out to limit your skills and experience.
  6. If the non-compete limits your only means of support,
  7. These are the most common standards for non-compete agreements within your industry.

Check out our blog post Ohio Non-Compete Law for more information about these factors and the evidence used by courts to evaluate them.

The enforcement by your non-compete agreement will also be examined by courts. if it would cause harm or injure third parties. A court could impose a restrictive noncompete on a doctor to prevent them from offering their services until the agreement expires. This would result in a decrease in doctors available to the public and a loss of patient access to medical care.

To prove that your non-compete agreement was reasonable, your employer must meet all three requirements. Remember that even if the court finds your noncompete agreement unreasonable, it has the right to modify the terms as it sees fit to make the non-compete fair for both of you. A non-compete agreement can have a negative impact on your ability to find work after you leave your job. However, your Columbus Non-Compete attorney will be able to help you understand your rights, responsibilities, and protect your right to make a living. Our lawyers are aggressive but still take the best cost-effective route for our clients.

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